Below was received on December 7 2018 from DEP regarding the naturally occurring asbestos sample. Questions and concerns should be directed to DEP who oversee the mining operations at Rockhill Quarry, 2055 N. Rockhill Road.
Under their required sampling protocol, Hanson (the operator at the East Rockhill Quarry) is required to sample for asbestos when beginning work in new areas. On Wednesday, December 5, Hanson notified DEP of a positive analysis for fibrous asbestos, at which time DEP ordered all mining, rock crushing and sizing, and other related activities at the Quarry cease. DEP has requested a letter from the operator outlining the most recent sampling and positive asbestos analysis, what additional investigation(s) they are going to perform to address the recent positive asbestos test results and the potential for additional asbestos form minerals to be present at the site. A meeting between DEP and quarry is scheduled for next week. The mining, and rock crushing-sizing cessation will remain in effect until rescinded, in writing, by DEP. No material is thought to have left the site.