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Asbestos Meeting with Government Officials is rescheduled for 1/19

We received a call today from Congressman Fitzpatrick’s office.  Our contact shared that due do the fact that things at the federal level are a mess, Congressman Fitzpatrick has been called back to DC on Monday and will not be able to attend the planned meeting with us.
Given that the Asbestos in the Quarry is a priority of his, he asked that we reschedule because he personally would like to be at this meeting with us.   This is a big focus of his right now.  Similar to what Senator Santarsiero shared with us yesterday, Fitzpatrick’s office shared that as constituents, WE are their first priority.   This meeting is very important to them and they would all like to personally be there.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but the meeting has been rescheduled for:
Saturday, January 19th at 10:30am
at Bucks County Community College
One Hillendale Rd, Perkasie, PA 18944 
We will be in one of the Trustee rooms — we will confirm room once we know.
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