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The Ridge Run PFAS HSCA Site is located in portions of East and West Rockhill Townships, Bucks County. After one public supply well in the area was found to contain combined concentrations of PFOA and PFOS that exceeded EPA’s 70 ppt Health Advisory Limit (HAL), and another public supply well was found to contain combined concentrations slightly below the HAL, DEP immediately took steps to begin a thorough investigation of the surrounding area. Since November 2016, DEP has collected samples from 160 private wells within the area of interest surrounding the original contaminated public supply wells. Results of this sampling ranged from non-detect (ND) to 16,360 ppt combined for PFOA/PFOS.
In May 2018, an Analysis of Alternatives and Proposed Response document was signed by DEP selecting the installation and maintenance of whole-house filtration systems as a proposed interim response to address the contamination of private drinking water wells associated with the Site.
A public comment period will be open from June 2, 2018 until August 31, 2018, during which time written comments may be submitted into the record by the public. Copies of the Administrative Record are available for public review at the DEP office in Norristown, the DEP website, and the East and West Rockhill Township Offices. A public hearing will be held on July 11, 2018 at 6:30 PM at the West Rockhill Township Building in Sellersville.
For questions on the investigation, or to review the administrative record, contact Lena Harper at 484.250.5721.
For questions regarding the public hearing or to register to speak, contact Virginia Cain at 484.250.5808