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REPA’s Expert shares alarming comments regarding over-sized delivery and recent testing samples

Dear REPA,
Like so many of you, we too had concerns with DEP’s Email Response shared below to our inquiry about the over-sized delivery to the Rockhill Quarry on September 12, 2019.      REPA invested in our expert to review our concerns and comment.  REPA has also invested in a THIRD report from Dr. Erskine to do another analysis of selected soil and rock samples by EMSL Laboratories for DEP dated August 21, 2019.
Among Dr. Erskine’s findings in this latest report include the following:
Regulated actinolite and subordinate tremolite asbestos is present in the rocks underlying the Rockhill quarry site, and the concentrations are sufficiently high to produce a potential adverse health impact to workers at the site, residents near the site, and particularly children attending schools near the site.
Please take a moment to read another ALARMING report REPA has commissioned in in an effort to do everything we can to protect our community!
Review of EMSL-DEP Re-Analyses 9-23-19


———- Forwarded message ———
From: EP, Mining <>
Date: Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 4:00 PM
Subject: Rock Hill Quarry update 9.18.19


You are receiving this email from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) because you have expressed interest in the Rock Hill Quarry in East Rockhill Township, Bucks County.

On September 12, 2019, DEP was informed that an oversized delivery had been made to the Rock Hill Quarry. Upon investigation, DEP learned that the equipment delivery to the site was an excavator that is not currently needed for the turnpike project and is being stored at the quarry.

DEP understands there are ongoing community concerns regarding the site and any activity that occurs. Due to the nature of the delivery and low speed of travel, it is unlikely there was any significant disturbance of asbestos. Moving or unloading this type of heavy equipment is common and done in a meticulous manner.

In order to alleviate concerns, moving forward, Hanson and/or RE Pierson will be required to notify and receive approval from DEP prior to moving equipment, either onto or from the site.

DEP continues to update its project web page:

If you received this message from a friend and would like to be added to the list, please contact to be added.

Thank you for your continued interest in DEP’s oversight of the Rock Hill Quarry.

John J. Stefanko
John J. Stefanko | Deputy Secretary
Active and Abandoned Mine Operations
Department of Environmental Protection

———- Forwarded message ———
From: EP, Mining <>
Date: Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Rockhill Community Update: 9.23.19
You are receiving this email from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) because you have expressed interest in the Rock Hill Quarry in East Rockhill Township, Bucks County.As of September 23, 2019, mining and related activities remain under a cessation order.
On August 21, 2019, DEP received laboratory reports from its independent core drilling and boulder sampling, split from those collected by Hanson earlier this summer.  The results from some of the samples varied widely between those collected by Hanson and those collected by DEP. It was determined that Hanson and DEP utilized two different testing protocols that produced inconsistent results. On September 20, DEP sent a letter to Hanson requiring them to retest their samples using a methodology similar to what DEP used for its samples.  A copy of the letter and both sets of results have been posted to the Rock Hill Quarry Webpage.
DEP continues to update its project web page:
If you received this message from a friend and would like to be added to the list, please contact to be added. 
Thank you for your continued interest in DEP’s oversight of the Rock Hill Quarry.Sincerely,
John Stefanko
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